Artwork - Humna Zia

Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures logo

JULY 2016
Colgate My Bright Smile™ Global Art Contest Winner

Humna Zia

Age 9
Humna Zia

Lahore Grammar School, Lahore, Pakistan

Humna lives with his parents and siblings in Lahore, the second largest city in Pakistan. He speaks English and Urdu and is learning German.

Humna enjoys reading, watching movies, and playing games. His favorite books are the Magic Tree series and his favorite TV show is Peter Pan.

Humna’s favorite holiday is Eid and his family celebrates by visiting relatives. Pakistan is known for its historical places and cuisine. He would take visitors to see the Badshahi Mosque, Lahore Fort, and Shalimar Gardens, and serve them Pakistani food such as kebab, biryani, haleem, and nihari. One day, Humna would like to visit Saudi Arabia.