Artwork - Charles X. Seagle

Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures logo

Colgate My Bright Smile™ Global Art Contest Winner

Charles X. Seagle

Age 9
Charles X. Seagle

Mokulele Elementary, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Charles lives in a house in Hawaii with his family and his dog, Zampi. At home, they speak English, and he is also learning Italian. Charles loves to play games and draw, and he would like to be a scientist when he grows up.

Charles’ mom drives him to school, where he has 25 students in his class. His favorite subjects are art and science, and his favorite time of the school day is recess.

If you came to visit Charles in Hawaii, he would help his mom make lasagna for you. His favorite holiday is Christmas, when his family enjoys opening gifts together.